upon Eternal Judgment. 105 nity as to believe that an irrevo- cable Doom will pars upon the Wicked, and fo little Chriiani- ty, that theycannot juftly hope to efcape from it, yet are fo care- lefs of their Duty, nay joyful in their finful courfes, as if Judg- ment were a dreadlefs thing. What is thecaufe of this prodigi- ous fecurity 'Tis the neglef} of confidering, that we mull all appear before the judgment -Seat ofChrft, to receive according to the things done in the body, whethergood or evil. Their fenfes and faculties are . - fo imployed abroad in the World, they have neither leifilre nor de- fire to think feriouflyof it. Their hearts are fo raviíht with dreams of fenfuality, and engaged in ter- rene affairs, that they are very a- verfe from exercifing their minds upon fuch difpleafing obje&s. I have read of an excellent Preacher,