toó S E XM0 NS Preacher, that in a Sermon defcri- bed the laR judgment in all its Terrors, with fuchardent expref- fons, and thofe animated with fuck an afteaingVoice, fuch an inflamed Countenance and Aii- on, that his Hearers broke forth intopasonateCrys, as ifthe Judg himfelf had been prelent to pars the final Sentence upon them. In the heighth of their Commotion the Preacher bid them flop their tearsand pariions, for he had one thing more to add, the moil af- Hiding and aflonifhing Confide - ration of all the refl, That with- in lefs than aquarter ofan hour, the memory. and regard of that which fo tranrported themwould vanifh, and their afe&ions return to carnal objets in their ufual manner. The neglea of Confideration makes even theDoarin of Judg- meat