Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon Eternal judgment. i 07 ment to come to be without effi- cacy. f is neceffary therefore that ,the belief ofthis be fo firmly feated in the Heart as its Throne, that it maycománd the thoughts to be very attentive to it, andmay have Regal power over our wills and affe&ions, that our lives may be ordered according to its Rules. 2. TheConfideration ofEter- nal Judgment will vindicate the Proceedings of Divine Provi- dence, and the honour of God's governing this World, from the imputations of Unrighteoufnefs. God is provoked every day, yet fpares the Wicked, and heaps an abundance of Favours on them. His Patience and Goodness they prophanely abide, and become more obdurate and inflexible. They are apt to blafpheme the Excellency ofhis Nature in their Hearts, thinking that he is igno- rant Pfal. r.