Bates - BT825 B37 1683

uporì D t A T H. exemplary revenge ofSin; fOrne- times by furprifing Accidents .fometimes by bloody Cóóntenti- o.ris ; fometimes by confzming Difeafes. But tho' Death be hot uniform, yet 'tis always the exe- Cution of the Law upon Offen- ders. As of thofe who aré con- demned by Humane Juf+ice, force fuffer a more eafy arid ho pourable Death, others a more difgraceful and torturing, forne are Beheaded, others are Cruci.L fled, yet all die as Malefa&ors. Thus force die a natural Death; others a. violent, foreby a gentle preparing ficknefs without res ration, others die upon the Rack by harp pairs : fame die Attended with their Friends, and all fupplies to fweeten their Pa(f. fage, others forfak en of all Core forters yet Death is the fame Seritence of the LAW upon all