Bates - BT825 B37 1683

i.oS S E RM 0 45 EcCI.B.?. rant or carelefs, impotent or un jufL. They implicitly deny his Providence and Judgment, that be does not obferve their Sins, and will not require an account for them. Or elle they interpret his Permian to be an Approba- tionof their Sins. Thefe things haft thou done, and I kept filed ce , thou thought-eft I wad fuck an one as thy f lf. Thus the Heathens tranf- plante the Vices of Earth to Heaven , and reprefented their Gods to be fenfual, jealous, furi- ous as Men, and accordingly ex peed an eafy. Abfolution for their Sins. Or elle the diflance ofJudgment to come fo hardens them, that they hear God's Thun- der with left's fear, than Boys do their Squibs and Crackers. De- caufe Sentence agairfi an evil Work is not ilieedily executed, therefore the hearts of the Sons of LMen are fully (et