Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon Eternal Judgment. 1b9 jet in them to do evil. But how de- iperate is the madnefs ofSinners ? .God nowJeems to wink at their Sins, Ads ;. 3o. but bath appointed a day of Ac- counts. He fuffers them to live in profperity, but they are referved 2 Pet. 2.4. to the day of,judgment to be puniJh'd, and poífibly boner : for tome- times they are cut off by vifible vengeance, to convince the World that the fupream Judg does not bear the Sword in vain. But tho 'tis delayed for a time, yet he de- clares, that their Sins are laid up in De1it.3" Bore with him, and jealed up among bisTreafisres, To him belongs Ven- geance and Recompence. He is a mild Judge now, and his Clemency Íufpends their Punithment; but j Juftice will not forget it. He Amos 8.7. threatens the fecure Sinner, I will pfal. 50.21. reprove thee, and fit thy Sins in order before thine ejes. How will the fcornful obflinate Sinner change coin-