1 S E k M O NS complexion & tremble, when an Army of Sins more terrible than fo many Furies, (hall be ranged. in Battei, and with fiery Darts wound his naked Soul ? How will the flubborn Atheiíf, that pleafes himfeif with vain imagi- nations of the Eternity of the World, and the Mortality of the Soul, be confounded when he feels the truth of Scripture-threat- nings, to his eternal forrow ? then ail their Ralleries will be turn'd into Lamentations. 'Tis not for *Cum habe- *want of power that God (pares at in poteff re viindi tam a- the Wicked , but becaufe they mavult dirt are alwayes in his hands, and tenere pati- entiam. he can make them as miferable Cyprian. de as they are finful when he plea ban. Patient. fes. "Tis not through the negleft of Ju{1ice, but for rnoft wifeand holy Reafons, as lhall appear in the laft day, when a decifive ir- reverfible Judgment (hall be pro- nounc'd