SEMONS henfions, and clear all perplexing appearances about the Sufferings of the Righteous here. Indeed if we confider the ho- heft Men as they are Sinners,their Afflióions are fo far from ble- mifhing the Juflice of God, that they are the figns of his. Mercy : for all is a Favour on this fide Hell to thofe that deferve it. Da- vid an excellent Saint, acknow- ledges the righteoufnefs ofGod's Judgments with refpef to him- felf. But when the Saints firer for a righteous Caufe, and,as the Pfaff. 44. Pfalmifl expreffes it, for thyfake are we killedall the day long, and are counted a Sheep for the flaughter there is not a vifible correfpon- dency between the Providence of God in his governing the World, and the unchangeable Rules of Juflice, that thofe who do evil íhould fuller evil, and thofewho do