upon Eiernal Judgment. l i t pronounc'd, and immediately in- inflióed upon them before the .World. When an Actor at A- 'a x01,01 them fpoke with Admiration of lcof Riches, as the molt valuable Ac cluifition, and of the Felicity of Gn,n hi nQ_ Rich lien : the People were in vi nní ver- f ins inTra- an Uproar at the immorality ofgcedia Euri- the Speech , and were ready to Pidis pro-- chafe him from the Stage. But nrintiati of fènt, totud the Poet himlelf appeared, and popish ade_ delired them to flop their PLtr iciendum 05- Ac`toiem till they raw the Cataßrophe, the Carmencon- wretched end of that fordid Mi- farrexit tsno fer. Thus we are apt to accufe zmpctas: do- nee Euripi- the ways of God when the Wic- des in medi- ked flourifli . but we fhould flop um FYD.Pl it petens izt ex- our tumultuous thoughts; for their petarent, end will abfolve Divine Provi- viderentitte Bence from all undue refle6tions gueon aigri- ßtr aazs°i upon the account of their tern- exitum f ace_ poral happinefs. ret. senec. And the found belief of this £p' ; will retify all miPcaking appre_ henlioris,