2 2- S EP\MONS Evils by refleaion affed with joy, and give a quicker relifh to preterit felicity. Approaching Evils alarm us with fear. (3.) The Evil mull be appre- hended as prevalent to make it fearful. For if by companion we find our firengen fuperior, we .either neglea the Evil for its le- Vity, or determine to encounter it ; and refiftance is the proper effect of Anger, not of Fear. But when an impendent Evil is toohard for us, the Soul {brinks and recoils from it. .NoviT all thefe Qaalifications' that make an Obje& fearful con- Cur in Death. i. 'Tis an Evil univerfally known. 1 he frequent Funerals are a real dernonfiration that Beaks fenfibly to our Eyes, that Death reigns in theWorld. 'Tis certainly future. All tbT