upon DEATH, Z the wretched Accidents of this Life, fuch as concern us in our .Perfons, Relations, Effates, and ÌnLeref$s , a thoufand Difaflers that a jealous Fear and a6tive Fan- cy will extend and amplify ; as they may, fo they may not hap- pen to us. And from this mix- ture of contrary poiibilities, from the uncertainty of event, Hope that is an infinuating pad- onmixes with Fear, and derives Comfort. For as fometimes a a fuddain Evil furprifes not fore- thought of, fo often the Evil that 'was fadly expel` ed, never comes to pafs.but what Man is he that lives, Pfa1.89.4. and Jhall not fee Death ? Who is fo vain as to pleafe himfelf with an imagination ofImmortality here ? 3. 'Tis a prevalent Evil, from hence the proverbial Expref- fion, Strong as Death that fubdues cant. s. 8. all, cruel as the grave that f ares C 4 710116