Bates - BT825 B37 1683

S E 1P.ß, M O N S none. 'Tis in vain to firuggle with the pangs of Death. No Simples in Nature, noComp(); litions of Art, no Influence bf the Stars, no Power ofAngels, can fupport the dying Body, or retain the flitting soul. There is no Man bath power over the Spirit 0. to retain the Spirit ; neither bath be power in the day of Death : and there is no di fchar&e in that War. The Body finks in the Conflit, and Death feeds on its proJrate prey in the Grave. 2. I Than confider more par- ticularly the Caufes that render' Death fo fearful to Men. i. In the apprehenfion of Nature. 2.. In the apprehenfion of Con fcience 1. In the apprehenfion of N ture,Death hath this Name en- graven in its forehead,Uitimum ter- ïib lii fin, the fupreme of terrible 11!ngs, Upon feyeral accounts. Bey