upon D EAT H. The Pfalmiji faith of Princes, Their breathoeth forth, they return to the Earth, in that very day their 'thoughts, their glorious compaf- fing thoughts, perifh. This the Hiftorian obferves was verified in ultus °far : After his aiTuniing the Imperial Dignity, he thought to reduce the numerous Laws of the Romans into a few Volumes, comprifing the fitbftance and rea- fon of all ; to enrich and adorn the City of Dome, as was becom- ing the Regent of the World : to epitomife the Works of the moft learned grecians and Romans for the publick Benefit.. And whilft he was defigning and pur cuing thefe, and other vaft and noble things, Death furprifed him, andbroke off all his Enter- prifes. At the terribleGate that opens into Eternity, Men are ftrìpt of all 29 Taliaagen- tzrn atque meditan- t.:m mors prævenit. Sucton.