Bates - BT825 B37 1683

.s?'fal, 49 16; l'7. S E (it MONS all their Honours and Treafures, and as naked as they come into the World,go out of it. Be not thou afraid when one is made rich, when the glo'r'y of his Route is encreafed. For when he dieth, he (hall carry nothing away; his glory (hall not defcend after him. Death equally vilifies, makes Ioathfom and ghaílly the Bodies of Men, and reduces tI.em to fordid Duít. In the Grave the * dull is as precious and powerful of one as of another. Civil di1}in Lions are limited to the prefent time. The prodigious Statue in Nebuchadnea, ?tear's Vlflon, Dan. 2. 323 3 3, 34, 3 5. whip it was upright, the parts were re- ally and vifibly diírina : 7he head was of fine gold, the brew and arms o ffileer, the belly and thighs ofbrat9; thß As our Divine Poet exprefres it. The brags of Life are but a nine days wonder ; And after Death the fumes that fi ring, From privateBodies make as big a thunder, As thofe that rife from a huge King. Herbert.