Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon DEATH. the legs of iron, the feet part of iron and part of clay : but when the fone .cut out without hands, )(mote the Image upon the feet, then was the iron, the clay, the brat, the f lìer, and the bold, broken to pieces together, and became like the Chaff the wind carries away. Who can dif-linguifh be- tween Royal Duff taken out of magnificent Tombs, and Plebean Duff from common Graves ? Who can knowwlio were Rich, and who were Poor ; who had power and command, who were Vafials, who were remarkable by Fame, who by Infamy ? They 2 Kings 9. 'hall not fay this f ezebel : not `37` know this was the Daughter and Wife of a King. The King of Babylon, foiled Lucifer the bright Star of the Morning, that pofiell the firfI Empire in the World,was degraded by Death, humbled to the Grave, and exchanged all his glorious