Bates - BT825 B37 1683

,ECCIe f , I 1.7. SEXY" ONS fay f feciency to be in )(traits. Tho' the fenfes are pleated with the quick fweetnefs of Change from one Objet to another, yet the Soiil cannot have a delightful undi- fIurbed fruition, forefeeing that the Bream of Pleafure will iffue into the dead Sea. 'Truly Light is f u'eet, and 'tis a pleafant thing to be- hold the Sun. Iut how fhort is this Life with all its pleafures, in coniparifon of the days of darknefs' that follow. Now tho' 'tis our belt wildom and trueft liberty; to rejoice in this World, as if we re- joced not, and frequently to me= dicate on the cooling Dodrìnes of Death and judgment, to reprefs the tranfports of the voluptuous` appetite ; yet fince the Comforts of this Life are liberally indul- ged to us by the Love of God, to he the motives of our grateful and affectionate Obedience, to fweeten