44 SEXMQNS great diílance. Tho' there be a dying difpofition in the youngefl and flrongefl Perfons, rho' wç . live in a world of Cafualties, andDeath lie in ambufh to fur- prize us every day, yet we are lècure : becaufe Evils aWet us according to their apprehended nearnefs. A Petty Confrable that is troublefom and vexatious, is more fear'd by his Neighbours, than the GrandSignior with all his Executioners. As remote Obje&s, though of vafl bignefs, are leffen'd to our fight ; fo through the fuppofed interval of many years,Death is lookt on with a diminution of its Terror. But when Death prefents it felf be- fore Men ready todifpatch them, how formidable is its appearance 1. Saul tho renouned for his Valour, yet when he underflood by :Re,- velation, that tomorrow he and his