54 S EMONS z Pet.1.18. Fkl. 2. 8. folute a1 of his Will and Autho- rity, as a Creditor forgives a. Deb- tor; but in fuch a way as topre- ferve the Rights of Juflice late. Therefore when Manwas devoted to Death, our Redeemer exchang'd conditions with him, and offer'd up his precious Blood, as our Ransom to God, in the qua- lity of the King and Judg of all. Such was the dignity of his Per- fon, that the entire World, the Heavens and the Earth with all their Inhabitants, are of ids va- lue to him, than the bafeff Drofs to refined Gold. Such was the greatnefs of his Sufferings, in which the highefl degreeof Obe- dience, and the loweft degree of Humility were confpicuous, as to be a valuable Cornpenfation, to obtain eternal rP.eclernption for Nov