upon DEATH. 55 Nowwhen God the .fuprerne judg is fatisfied, Satan forfeits the right he had to torment us, and is deveRRed of his dominion over our Wills ; which tho' jug- ly permitted, was an uíurpation upon God's Right in Man that can never be extinguiíh'd. 'Tis faidby the Apoille, that our Sa- viour blotting out the hand writing of Col. 2. Ordinances that was again/I us, which was contrary to and took it out of the way, nailing it to bis Croft : He abolith'd the ufe of the Ceremo- nial Law, that was an Evidence and Enditement of their Guilt who performed it, and the Curie of the Moral Law : it follows, and having fpoiled Principalities and Powers, he made a Phew of them o- penly, triumphing over them in it. Our Saviour died vitorioufly ; the Tree of Infamy on which he fuffçred, was the Trophy of his E 4 Con-