Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon DEATH. 55 Nowwhen God the .fuprerne judg is fatisfied, Satan forfeits the right he had to torment us, and is deveRRed of his dominion over our Wills ; which tho' jug- ly permitted, was an uíurpation upon God's Right in Man that can never be extinguiíh'd. 'Tis faidby the Apoille, that our Sa- viour blotting out the hand writing of Col. 2. Ordinances that was again/I us, which was contrary to and took it out of the way, nailing it to bis Croft : He abolith'd the ufe of the Ceremo- nial Law, that was an Evidence and Enditement of their Guilt who performed it, and the Curie of the Moral Law : it follows, and having fpoiled Principalities and Powers, he made a Phew of them o- penly, triumphing over them in it. Our Saviour died vitorioufly ; the Tree of Infamy on which he fuffçred, was the Trophy of his E 4 Con-