impowin SErl'LMONS ars from the Curfe ë of the Law, being made a Curfe for to. Death in- flitted on theSaints, has not that relation to the guilt of Sin, as. to be properly fatisfadion to re- venging Juilice. There are no petty payments to be made by our Sufferings after his compleat fatisfation to God. The Lord if a. 53 laid on him the Iniquities of IA all. 'Tis indeed fill a declaration of God's holy difpleafure againft Sin, for that originally open'd the way of its coming into the World ; and fometimes by the immaturityor manner of it, 'tis a chaftifinent upon good Men for fin; that is, to make them re- new their Repentance, and mor- tify their carnal Afteaions that faflen them to the World. For tho' after theWI ad of expirati- on there is 'no place for Repen- tance ; yet in the approaches of Death,