upon DE A T H. the fcenes and habits chang'd in the time of one Man ? He that . J.ives in pleafures, muff ac ì the Mourner's part. Our fweeteft com- forts have hidden flings : and what- ever is mois pleating may occa- fion bitter grief. And ufually holyMen have a greater portion of àfflitions here : fometimes by the malignity and violence of the wicked ; as under the Law, the Lamb and the Dove were the Emblems of Innocence, and Purity, and Meeknefs, whilft the Vulture and the Lion the 'greedy devourers efcap'd. This the Apof}le declares of the Elea, They are predeflinated to be conform'd to the image of god's Soil, who trac'd out the way to Heaven in his ownBlood, and by the Crofs' a%ended to theThrone. Some 4` times more immediately Divine Providence of lias them, to pre- F z ferve