Bates - BT825 B37 1683

The Epifile Dedicatory. counterfeit !hart Peace tranfmits them to everlafling Sorrows. The defìgn ofthefollowing S ER. MON S is to awaken ¿fen, that they may be wife and confider their lat- ter end : to Jecure an intereft in our 12edeemer, who has difarmed Death of its Sting and made that Enemy our Friend : and to praElife dying every day, by withdrawing their hearts from the vanities of this tranfient World, that havefuel, apernicious influence to excite the carnal appetites, andflupiify the Corfcience which are the true caufes of their fin and mifery. .Ind what can be more powerful to render ,then temperate and fober in the ufe of prefent things, vigilant and f rions in theirpreparations for their great and final Change, than the remembrance that Death is immediately attended with judgment , and Judgment with 3ief fednefs or M'ifery for ever. I know this 4rgunaent s naturally dif- pleafins