Bates - BT825 B37 1683

SElvraNS are motives of heart - breaking forroW.. NowDeath is to a Be- liever a univerfal Remedy againff. all the Evils of this Life : it frees him from all Injuries and Suffer- ings, and from Sin in all its de- grees, from all inclinations and temptations to it. He that is dead, ceafeth from Sin. Death is the paífage from this Wildernefs to the true Canaan the ref+ Above, that flows with better Milk and Bony, with Innocence and Hap - pinefs for ever. There nothing. can diflurb the Peace, or corrupt thepurity of thebleffed. 3. Befides the privative ad- vantage, the freedom from all the effeas of God's difpleafure, and the refentments of it, there is the higheft pofitive Good ob= tainéd by Death The Spirits of juft Men are madeperfect in Heaven. The Soul is the Glory of Man, and