76 SEMONS caufe I live, faith our Saviour, ye (hall live alto. What can inter- rupt, much leis put an end to. the happinefs of theSaints ? The. Love of God is immutably fix'd upon them, and their Love upon him. Here their love is fubjed to decays, and gradual alienati- ons j as the Needle in the Corn- pafs, tho' it alwayshas a tenden- cy to the North Pole, yet fome- times it declines and has its varia- tions. But in Heaven the love of the Saints is direly and con- ffantly let upon God. The light of his Countenance governs all theirs Affeeions. 'Tis as impoffible to divert their delires from him, as ro caute one that is inflam'd with thirft, to leave a clear flowing Spring for a noifom Puddle. In fhort, Heaven is filled with eter- nal Halelujabs : for there is no appearance of Sin, no fhadow of