Bates - BT766 B3 1699

So Spiritual Perfécction to the feeing it felf. Men fludy to know more of others than of themfelves, and therefore know leg., In curing the Difeafes of the Soul, we are direaed by the method of curing theDifeafes of the Body ; which is fome- times by Medicines contrary to their Na- ture, and fometimes by thole which are like to it. The Feverifh Heat is nor on- ly quench'd by cooling Juleps, but by Cordials that fortifie the Vital Heat , which confumes the peccant Humours that foment the Fever. t. Confider thofe things which may allay the tumor of Pride and Vanity. Reafon is the perfeaion of Man, and the knowledge of God and our felves is the perfeaion of Reafon : From hence proceeds the magnifying God, and vili- fying our felves. God is the eternal Jehovah, and there is none betides him. He alone has an indem pendent and infinite Exiftence. All other things are from his Efficiency : Every (park of Life , and degree of Being is from him. Without the leaff ífrain of his Power he made the World, and as eafly upholds it. All created things have but an appearance and chew of Being, in him alone is the folidity and liability of Being for ever. He dwells in Light unapproachable, not only to átmortal.