Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Perfet1iôn. mortal Eyes, but to the immortal ÄnA gel. He is the only Wife, and Good, and Immortal Being. In the prefent fl-ate great and frnall are not words of abfolute but comparative frgnification with refpeet to the various conditions of Men ; as one Pearl is called great refpe- aively to another, though final! in it Pelf : But there is none abfolutely grew but God, who is truly infinite. In Hea® ven, where the bleffed Spirits have the molt immediate and fullef} view of the Deity, the t ord alone is exalted. 2. Confider that the whole World in,p telleaual and fenfible, compar'd to God, are but as the drop of the bucket, and thf dull of the ballance : And what part are weof that drop and dull ? If we confi7 der Men in the ftate of primitive Na- ture, it is an evident Principle written} in their Hearts, with chara&ers of the cleareff Light, That 'tis their moil real fonable Duty, entirely to renounce them- (elves, and to devote themfelves to the Glory of God But if we confider them as Creatures andSinners, that can affump nothing as their own, but their Sins and Miferies, thepenal confequents of them ; this will humble us below the Brutes who never tranfgrels'd the order of their Creation. We are lets than the leaff of a 8