Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Perfecion. a very rare vertue. But there are many things, which duly confider'd, will lower the train of Pride even in Kings. The Pre-eminence of external Order, is fel- dom joyn'd with the Preeminence of inherent Excellencies. Howmany wear Royal Crowns, that are Slaves to their Lulls, and govern others who cannot govern themfclves ? Betides, there is no Heighth and Eminence upon Earth, but . is encompaft with precipices and perils. The Throne leaves fome, and all muff leave the Throne. The greateft Mo- narchs , and the molt proud of their Greatnefs, mutt defcend into the Grave, without their Scepters and Flatterers, and. be Confin'd to a dark Solitude , where they !hall have no other State or Carpets, but the Worms to cover them, and Corruption under them. There is but one Kingdom that cannot be fhaken, and one Immortal King. In the next World, they mull íland upon a level with the meaneft Wretches, and be ac- countable to the High and EverIafting Judge, for their management of his Vicegerency. There is nothing Man value them- felves more than upon the account of their Únderfiandings ; Knowledgeputs up. But how little-do we know ? Pride is the G 3 circa 85