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Spiritual Perfecion. veal'd in it. I shall not here amplifie and illuftrate thefe particulars, having in fome Difcourfes, formerly publifh'd, of the Exiftency of God and the Im- mortality of the Soul, and the Divinity of the Chriffian Religion, manifefted how defperate the Caufe of the Atheifts and Deifts is to unprejudic'd Minds. Now though the deduEion fpecified, be according to the true rule of Ratioci- nation, yet there are fome that account it a slavery to fix their belief upon any Authority, but will be free in believing as they are in their anions. I will there- fore briefly produce fome proofs of the Truth of Chriftian Religion, that carry an uncontroulable Evidence in them The abolifhing Idolatry in the Pagan World, in the time foretold by the Pro- phets, is a palpable proof that Chriftian Religion was from the true God. The Inifruments of this great Work, were a few Fifhermen, that had neither Learn- ing, nor Arms, nor Treafures : Patience was their Strength, Poverty their Choice, Difgrace their Honour : that without any Force, but of Illumination and Per - fwaíion, of Humility and Charity, and enduring the molt terrible Sufferings, they fhould vanquifh the Pride of Philo- fophers, the Tyrannous power ofPrinces, the Rebellious Oppofition of Mens Car- nal 93