Spiritual Perfetion. Lulls are deeply ingraven in his Heart. Thefe our Saviour compares to painted. Sepulchres, that within contain fordid duff and rottennefs. This is perfea Hy. pocrifie a deadly pollution, that wounds the Vitals, fears theConfcience, quenches all Goodnefs in the Will ; for this Hy- pocrite is voluntarily fò.. Hypocrifie in the Heart is like Poyfòn in a Spring, that fpreads it Pelf through all the veins of the Converfation.. This Sin our Saviour never fpeaks of but with deteflation For this he denounc'd fuch a heavy Woe againft the Pharifees, that ufed Religion as a masking habit to appear glorious in the Eyes of Men, and difguífed their Worldly Aims in Devotions and made long Prayers to be efiee n'd of Men. This is fö odious to God, that he forbids all the emblems and refemblances of it to the yea's, Linfy -wolfey Garments, and mifcelain Corn. Our Defeas acknow- ledged with ingenuity, excite his Corn- pailion ; but counterfeit Vertues excite his Indignation : For what can be more provoking, than to appear to be like God in Holinefs, the Glory of theDeity, for this end,. to be fecretly wicked, and to affront his Omnikience, as if he could not difcern them through all their dole and dark concealments. A Hypocrite is fearful of Men, but faces God. Pride H 2 mix'd