Bates - BT766 B3 1699

The Preface. beautiful Ornaments : The Apoftles re- joiced, that they were counted worthy to fuller fhame for the name of Chrift. What Reproaches did the Lord of Glory fuller for us? And what Pride and Folly is. it , that we fhould defire to be glorified by his fuffering Reproaches, and not wil- lingly endure Reproach for his Glory ? Our continual and ardent endeavours to rife to Perfettian, commend us to our Soveraign and Saviour. A cold-dead Heathen is left ojfenfive and odious to him than a luke- wafmChriftian. It is a common Objeaion, That to live in all things according to Rule, to walk circumipealy And exaaly, to be confln'd to the narrow way, will not only infringe, but deftroy our Liberty. This is fo pre- cious a poffeffion, that Men will defend ;their Liberty with their Lives : ' 4n ingp- nuoms Perfon will rather wear a plain Gar- ment ofhis own, than a richLivery, the mark of Servitude. But if Men will ap7 peal to their Vnderftandings, they will clear- ly difern'that the word, Liberty, is a4us'd, to give countenance to Licentioufne.f!'. There is a free fubjettian, and a fervile liberty The Apafile tells the Romans, When ye were the fervants of Sin, ye were free fton Ii.lghteoufnefs ; and being made free