Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Per feciion. i o much more will the Hypocrites be co- ver'd with confufion at the great day, when they (hall appear naked, with their loathfome Ulcers , before innumerable Angels and Saints ? They will defre the Rocks to hide themfrom that glorious femby. The fledfafl belief of this great Truth will caufe frequent and folemn thoughts of God, as our InfpeIor and Judge : I have fit the Lord always before me ; he is at my right-hand, I fball not be moved: This was the effea of David's Faith. This will produce Sincerity in Religion unrefpeaive to the Eyes of Men ; and preferve us from fecret Sins. 'Tis the prefcription of our Saviour ; Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharifees , which is 1-Iypocrifie : For there is nothing covered, that fball not be revealed neither hid, that fball not be known : Whatfoever ye have Token in darknefs , fball be heard in the light ; and that which ye have eoken in the Ear in clofets , fball be proclaimed on the houfe tops. 3. Envy at the Good of others, and Malice, wifliing them Evil , is a deep pollutionof the Spirit. This abfblutely alienates Men from the Nature and Life of God : For the cleareft conception we have of the Deity is, that he is Good, and does Good. This is contrary not H 3 only Luk, I 2. ¡,2,3.