Spiritual Perfellio z 10 3 the place of his fpecial rehdence ; and the entertaining 'Sin in it, is as a fouler Indignity, than the bringing Dung into the Chamber of Prefence of a King. We should be more careful to approve our Thoughts and Delires to God, than our Words and Aaions to Men. (a.) They are more eafìly contraaed than thole which are aEed by the fenfi- tive Faculties : They fecretly infinuate into the Soul : External Sins require fit time, and place, and means for their commillion ; and are often hinder'd by the moral refrraints of Fear and Shame : But fpeculative Sins may be committed without convenient circumifances. In whatever place, or company, Men are, they may retire into their Hearts, and pleafe themfelves with vicious thoughts and delires of future Sins , and devices how to make provifion for the Flefh ; with carnal reprefentations and compla- cency of the Sins they havecommitted :, Theymay perfonate the Pleafures of Sin in the fcene of Fancy ; and the imagi- nationof old Sins becomes a newTemp tation, and deeply f}ains their Minds : And as 'tis ufual, what pleafes is favour'd anddefended, they by carnal Difcourfe pervert Scripture to countenance their - Lufts ; which is the highefi Wicked- nefs. 11 4 (ä.) Spi-