Bates - BT766 B3 1699

i' o ,,Spiritual Perfec ion. and is not aced by their Principles and Precepts, not govern'd by their Maxims and Cuftoms. There are different degrees ofHolinefs in the Saints, but Sincerity is infeparable from the Being of it. This includes fiat a Conformity in the Heart and Life to God. As a good Complexion flourifhes in the Counten- ance from the Root of a good Confti- tution within : fo real Holinefs fhining in the Converfation, proceeds from an Internal Principle of Life feated in the Mind and Heart. The Underftanding efteems the Precepts of God's Law, as belt in themfelves, and belt for us : the Will Confents to the Sanaity and Roy- alty of the Law. David declares, I efleemall thy Commandments to be right : and I hate every falfe way. If the Di- vine Will be the reafon of our Obedi- ence, it will be impartial. Many elude Duty, and deceive Confcience by partial refpeas to the Law : They will make amends for Delinquencies in fome things, by Supererogating in others that are fuitable to their Carnal Eafe and Interelt. Thus the Pharifes were mighty Sons of the Church, very accurate in SanE imo- nious Forms, great pretenders to Piety, but ftain'd Religion with Injuffice and Uncharitablenefs. They pretended to love