Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Perfe 7ion: i t i love God, but hated their Neighbour : they Farted twice a Week, but Devour'd Widows Houfes : they were very nice in obferving the numerous Rites of Re- ligion, but neglected the Duties of fub- Itantial Goodnefs. Therè is not a more exaa refemblance between the immedi- ate fight ofthe Face, and the fight of it by reflection in a clear and true Glafs , than the fpirit of the Old Pharifees is like the Formalift in ,every Age. Thus among thePapifts, howmany under the Vail of Virginity conceal the groffeft Impurities , and under the appearance of Poverty, are Covetous and Rapaci- ous ? But our Saviour tells us, clefs our righteoufnefs exceeds the righteoufnef of the Scribes andPharifees, we cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, If our O- bedience be not of equal Extent to the Rule, if there be an Indulgence to Con- travene any Precept, the Words of St. fames are decifive and convincing. Who. ever 'hall keep the whole 1ácw, andyet of- fend in own infíance, he is guilty of all. In one allowed fin of Omifíion or Corn- miflìon, there is a Univerfal Difobedi- ence to the Authority of the Lawgi- ver. Although the beft Saint on Earth is not without Sin, yet the leaft is without Guile. 2. Since-