Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Petfecian. z z 7 vine Nature,fIil'd the New Man, is com- plete in all Spiritual Graces, and inclines and enables the Sanaified to do every good Work. The fruit of the Spirit, is Love,Yoy, Peace, Longfufering, Gentlenef, Goodnef!', Faith, Meekneff, Temperance. Although they are diftinguifht in their Aaivity , and particular Objeas , yet they always are joyn'd in the fame Sub- je&, and Concentre in God, who is Im- mutably Holy and One. They are mixt in their Exercife without Confufion As in a Chorus, the variety of Voices is Harmonious and Confpiring. Spiritual Graces according to the degrees of their Perfection , fuch is the degree of their Union. Every real Saint is conform'd to Chrift, of whom he receives grace for grace. There are Spiritual Gifts of Ar- bitrary Difpenfation : the word of Wir. i Cor. !2. dorm, the word of Knowledge, the gifts of Healing, the works of Miracles, are fepa- rately given. But when the Spirit pre- pares a Soul for his Habitation, he pu- rifies it from Sin , and adorns it with every Grace : if there be a defeE of any Grace, the oppofite Sin in its power remains in the Soul, and makes it im- pofíible for the Holy Spirit to dwell there. 'Tis to be obferved, that when a Pro- mife is made to any particular Grace in 13 Scrip,