Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual PerfecWon. i í9 ceed from a holy Perfon, that keeps the Commands of God, and does thole things i John 3.21p that are pleafing in his ifght. The Prayer muff be mix'd with Faith and Fervency : The effectual fervent Prayer of a righteous Jam. 5.16. Man availsmuch. The connexion of fa- virigGraces cannot be broken. St. Peter . excites us, to give all diltgence to add to our Faith, in the Myfteries of Godlinefs, Vertue ; an aaive power to render it lively and operative, otherwife Faith is a mere fpeculative dead affent : To Ver- tue, I(,nowledge Prudence to direa its~ exercife in the feafons wherein, and the manner how out, Duties are to be per- formed : To I(nowledge, Temperance, to regulate our Appetites and Enjoyments in theufe of things pleafing to the Senfes; To Temperance, Patience, to endure the Evils to which we are expofed in* this lower ftate ; which is equally, if not more nece{fary and excellent : For Hu- mane Nature is more affeaedand tempt- ed by Tharp Pains and Grief, than de.. lighted with Pleafure : Without the ex_ ercire of thefe Graces, our Religion will be by fits and flaflies, with interrupting intervals : To Patience, Godlinefs; that is, a refpea to the ommands of God as our Rule, and his Glory as our End, that is diftinguifh'd frommere Morali- ty ; that proceeds only from Humane 4 Reafon,