The Preface. enlightened Mind confiderately ponder'd the Eternal Renard with the tranfent pleafure of Sin, and his fudgment was influxive on his Dill, to cboof the glorious Futu- rity, before the faife Luftre of the Court. Y1hat' is the goodly appearance of the prefnt tempting Ill/orld, but like the Rain- bow, painted Tears ? The heavenly Feli- city is fubftantial and fatisfying. Where the Spirit of the Lord is , there is Li- berty. He di bels the darknefs of the Mind, and by its illuminating guidance, tarns the VI/ill to accept and embrace thole Objets that .exceedingly fatisfie its will defires and capacity. This is an eminent part of the divine Image engraven on the Saul in its Creation : For God is love- raigny free, and does all things accord- ing to the Counfel of his Will. Our Servitude was by Seduction ; Eve being deceived, was in the Tranfgreflìon. Our Liberty is reftor'd by Light ; The Truth makes us free. The neceffity that proceeds from external Compulfaon , and from the indeliberate and firong fway of Nature, that determines to one thing, is inconfiftent with Liberty. The Vnderftanding is a flee Faculty in the apprehenfon of' Objets, the VYi/I free in the election of them But in the confquent choice of the 1fill, that infallibly proceeds from Light and Love,