Spiritual . Perfec ion. fea. All the Treafures of the World are in real value infinitely inferiour to faving Trùths. There may be Know- -- ledge without faving Grace ; but no fa- ving Grace without Knowledge. The Underftanding is the leading Faculty Converfion begins in the renewed Mind ; Te were darknefs, now ye are light in the Lord. The Gofpel cannot be profitable for our Holinefs and Comfort, but by the intervening of the inlightned appli cative Underfianding ; the Confcience, that difcovers the Will ôf God to us, from whence our immediate obligation arifes to obey it 'Tis true, force Doarines of the Gof pel are fundamental, and force are' per- feaive : Some are not of that confe- qùence and clearnefs as others ; and the Ignorance of them is not damning, nor the Knowledge of them faving. But every Divine Truth is worthy of our attentive Confideration, according to our Capacity ; for they contribute to our Perfeaion. We fhould ftrive to advance in Knowledge ; that as the Sun gradual- ly afcends the Horizon, till it gives Light to the Day, and Day to the World ; fo our knowledgeof Chrift rliould be more clear and extenfive, till we are cornpleat- ly transformed into his glorious Image : . Wheo I 23