Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Ferfec iòri Heir of the Promife, in whofe feed all the nations ofthe worldwere to be bleed : how grievous to Humane AffeEtions, not only to be a Speaator, but Aaor, the Prieft to offer the Sacrifice. Yet he rote early, and went to theplace of which God had told him. He applied himfelf without re- lenting or delay, that would have argu'd unwillingnefs, in fuch a fevers Tryal. He built an Altar, bound Ifaac, and laid him on the Altar, and ftretcht out his hand to flay him, if he had not been countermanded by a Call from Heaven. In this Work was his Faith made per- feel ; and appears in its exaltation. This was an AE fo pleating to God, that he declar'd his approving and accepting it by a Voice from Heaven. His Obedi- ence to the Divine Command to leave his Cóuntrey, and go into a firange Land, was theexcellent efe& of his Faith in the Fromife of God, but lefs Illuflrious than the Offering of his Son. The Self-denial of Mofès was as per fea and admirable in its kind. When be was come to years, he refsfed to 4e call'd the fon o Pharoahs daughter. When lit' un- derftood the value of a Crown, with the Honours, and Riches annext to it : in the Age of Youth and ftrength, whet the Carnal Appetites are vehemently inclin'd to Pleafures, and there was an opportu- nity