Bates - BT766 B3 1699

,Spiritual Perfection. Laity of the freeft fruition : then he chore to finer affiietion with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleafures offin for afa- fon. 'Tis prudent advice not to choofe when the Paffions are in a ferment and diforder : 'tis like eating Meat in a Fe- ver, that increafes the feverifh heat, and def}roys the Vital. A terrible Tempta- tion hinders deliberation, and a free judgment of what is our Duty to choofe a pleafant Temptation Corrupts the Mind, that we do not difcern the true from the falfe Good. Yet Mofes in that time of his Life, when the fenfual Pafli- ons are moft inflam'd and urgent, had his Mind fo clear and calm, that he de- liberately, andwith a full choice preferr'd Difgrace, Poverty, and Perfecution, be fore the variety of attraaive Delightsi that ravifh the Carnal Senfes. Such was the Soveraignty of his Faith, that it Compos'd the unruly paffions and kept them in Obedience. The Patience of Yob, is as rare an In ¡lance, who was expos'd to all the Cru- elty and Arts of the Tempter to over- comehim. Ifwe confider the nature of his Affliaions, and their immediate fuc- cefiion like Waves of the Sea, that he was fuddenly and unexpeEedly fhrip't of his Elate, depriv'd of his Children, and his Body was cover'd with loathfom and K 2 pain- 31