Bates - BT766 B3 1699

r Z Spiritual Perfeceiión. painful Ulcers , that Satan was Confie dent his Mifery wculd fo exafperate his Spirit, that he would blafpheme God to his Face yet he bleft him with the molt humble Reverence and refgn'd Submif ion to his Soveraign Will. Add another Confederation, when his Wife that Ihould have been a Comforter, in- fulted over him, and became a Tempter, he repell'd her with a Holy Zeal and Conflancy. The Tempter neither by Affaults on his Body, nor byTreachery in his Wife could prevail. In him Pa, tierce had itsperfect work. 'Tis recorded as the molt celebrated Inftance in that kind : you have heard of the patience of lob, andfees the end ofthe Lord. I íhall only add the Example of the three He- brewMartyrs, who when the proud and cruel King commanded them to bow to the Golden Idol, or threatned to call them into the burning Furnace , with uníhaken Courage expos'd themfelves to his Fury to preferve their Integrity. In them perfe& Love cart out Fear. 4. There is a relative Perfeaion of Rolinefs according to the feveral Con- ditions of the Saints in this Life. As in a. Garden, there are Trees that pro- duce different Fruits , and of different degrees of Goodnefs : the Vine, the Fig tree, the Apple-tree :. if an Apple -tree pro,-