Spiritual Perf e ion. its defeas. Who can difcern the vital bands wherewith the Soul and Body are combined ? By what power does theSoul reprefent abfent Objeas ? Sounds with- out Noife, Colours without Tinaures, Light without Clearnefs, Darkneís with-- out Obfcurity. What account can be given of the admirable operations of the Soul in Dreams, when the Senfès are ful- pended from working , and the Body feems to be a warm Carcafs. 'Tis one of thofe Secrets, that Humane Wits la -- hours in vain to explain, how it cor- pofes Difcourles fo ju(l and regular, as to the invention and flile, which by their impreffion in the Memory , we know were not the effeas of wild Fancy, but of fober Judgment ; and that awake, and intent, we could not fo fpeedily and orderly frame t 'Tis as firange, as that an Artificer Mould work more exaaly with his Eyes cover'd, than feeing; that a Painter fhould draw a Face better in the dark, than in open day -light. That Man were totally deferted of Reafon, who not being able to fee things that are but a Juit dillance from his Eyes, would not acknowledge that things di- fiant from him the extent of the Ho- rizon, are beyond his fight. We are fi- bite Beings ; there is fore proportion between I5S