Bates - BT766 B3 1699

It58 Spiritual .PerfecZion: 4. Though Reafon is not able to cot- ceive and comprehend fupernatural My- flleries, yet it can never demonflrate that they cannot be. Who can prove by ir- refiflible evidence that God, who is an infinite Good, cannot by an infinite corn- tnunicationof himfelf be in dif}ina Sub- fif}ences ? 'Tis true, our Reafon may find 'unaccountable difficulties, that One should be Three in the Subfif}ence of Ferlons, and Three, One in Nature But there can be no proof that 'tis imf pofble, without the perfea underfland- ing the Nature of God. The Incarna- tion of the Son of God, is matter of aflonifbment, that two Natures fo dif- ferent and immenfely diftant, as Finite and Infinite, Mortal and Immortal, Mould be fo intimately and infeparably united in one Perlon, without confufion of their Properties : But we have the ftrongefi Reafon to, believe, that God knows his own Nature, and is to be believed uport his own teflimony. If the matter of his teflimony be inconceivably great , we muff exalt Faith and deprefs Reafon. If we will believe the Word of God, no farther than 'tis comprehenfibie by our Reafon , we infinitely difparage him For this is no more than the credit we give to a fufpeaed witnefs.