The Preface. the Sons of God, to be a mere Imagination. Like one in the Paroxifn of a Fever, who flags and talks high, as if he were in per- fa Health, but titer the remi /on of the Difeafe , feels his Strength broken with Pains , and himfeif near Death : Thus within a little while, when the furious pre- cipitancy of their Pagans is cool'd and check'd by .Affiiclions , they will feel and fink under the weight of their woful Bon- dage. .Another Objection, and pernicious Fat, lacy of the Tempter, whereby he frights many young Perföns from the flriclnef of a holy Life, is, That Religion is a fowre Severity; they mull renounce all Delights, turn Capuchins , if they ferioufly engage themfelves in a Religions Courfe, and re- folve to flriv -e after pure and perfect Ho- linefs. But there is neither Truth nos Terror in this Suggefion to the inlighten'd Mind. 'Tis impoble true Holinefs fhould make Men joylefs, and in the leafl- degree miferable, which is in the higheft Perfecli- on in God , who is infinitely joyful and blefed. Religion does not extinguif, the jobful Afeciions, but tranfplant them from Egypt to Canaan. The Pleafures of Sin (which are only forbidden) in the fir/I- t-age, ravifh the Carnal Sen¡es ; But like Iona -