Bates - BT766 B3 1699

'Spiritual Perfe ion. 6i examples of things in Nature ; for they prove and perfwade that a thing may be. Our Saviour to cure the Infidelity of the Pharifees, tells them, Te err, net knowing the Scripture, and the Power of God. In the Book of Scripture we read the declaration of God's Will, in the Book of Nature we fee the effeas of his Power. The Apoftle fays, The weaknef of God is flronger than Men. The ex- preffion is ftrange to a wonder ; for it feems to attribute a defeE to God ; But he fpeaks in that manner to declare with emphafis, that God is always equal to himfelf, and has no need to 'train his Power to overcome the firongef} oppo- fition. The fame Apoffle argues agáinfc Infidels, that fay, How are the dead railed up ? And with what Bodies do they come ? Thou fool, that which thou fowefl it not quickned except it dye ; and that which thou forcefl- thou fowef not that body that (hall be , but bare grain , it may chance of Wheat , or forme other grain ; but God Pramifit Dews giveth it a Body as pleaf th him. If our naturam ma i tram, fub mz Eyes are witnelfes of fuch an admirable'''. ocus propherì- Refurreaion in Nature, which our Un- am, ut facìlius derl}andings cannot comprehend , Ball tZQd gr ¿,- it not confirm our Belief of the Refur- natura. ?rest, reaion of the Body , the Wonder of Grace, when 'tis promifed by God the Author of both, All difficulties vanilla before