Spiritual Perfecrfion.. 165 corrupt Will has an Influence upon the Underftanding, and the Mind is ftain'd with fome Carnal Luft, when a Temp- tation diverts it from a ferious and fin- cere confidering the Reafons that fhould induce us to believe Divine Doctrines, their Unbelief will be juftly punifh'd. The Scripture declares, That an evil heart is the caul of unbelief : Pride, and obfti- nacy of Mind, and Carnal Lulls, are the Caufe that fo many renounce thole E- ternal Truths, by which they Mould be Paved. 2. 'Tis alleged, That fpeculative Er- rors cannot be Damnable. To this I anfwer, i . The Underftanding of Man in his Original State, was Light in the Lord, and regular in its direEtions , now 'tis dark and diforder'd : and in the pointsof Religion that are reveal'd, any Error in- duces guilt, and if obftinately defended expofes to Judgment. Some Truths are written becaufe neceffary to be believed, others are to be believed becaufe writ- ten. 2. According to the quality of the Truths reveal'd in Scripture, fuch is the hurtfulnefs of the Errors that are oppo- M 3 f t o