Bates - BT766 B3 1699

6 Col. 2. 2 9. Spiritual PerfeHion. lite to them. Some Truths are neceffary, others profitable : fame Errors are direa4 iy oppofite to the Saving Truths of the Gofpel , others by Confeq'uence under- mine them. Thofe who deny the Lord that bought them, are guilty ofdamnable Herefies, capital Errors not holding the head 3. The DoErine of the Trinity is not a mere fpeculative Truth, nor the denial of it a fpeculative Error the Trinity is not only an Object of Faith, but of Worfhip. InBaptifm, we irededicated to the Sacred Trinity, in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghofi, which clearly proves they are of the fame Au- thority and Power, and confequently of the fame Nature : for 'tis irnpoflible to Conceive of three InfiniteBeings, for by neceffity one would limit another. The Apofle declares, 1á)ithoiit Controverfie great is the myfiery of Godlinef, God ma. nifeft in theflet, The Nature and End of this Divine Myfiery, is to form the fpirits of Man to believe, and love, and obey God. For in it, there is the clear_ eft Revelation of God's admirable Love to Men, of his unfpotted Holinefs, his incorruptible Juftice, the great Motives of Religion. In that Divine Doctrine we have the molt ravifhing Image of Piety and \Tertue, the moil becoming the 6