Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Ió Spiritual Per f ec`1ion. that declares things future infinitely to exceed them. All Fire has Heat ; but not firong enough to melt down Gold and Silver. There is an affent in çvy degree of Faith, but not able to over- come the World. A radicated firm be- lief . of the infallible Truth, the tranfcen- dent Goodnefs, and our fore right in Heavenly things, will caufe all the falfe coÍ®urs of this World, the shadows in mafquerade, to difappear. The evidence and importance ofthings fixes our Refolutiont to adhere to them. TheSon of a King, and Heir of a King- dom, will invincibly affert the truth of his Relation and Title. A fincere Be- liever of the Heavenly dory, and his Eternal Intereft in it, will live in that Faith, and dye in it ; and dye for it, if necefiity require. The belief of it has a vital tafie , a Joy fincere and fweet, that makes the pleafant temptations of the World naufeous. As Faith is the foun- dation and bafis of Hope, ('tis the fubjiiance of things hoped for,) fo Hope is reciprocal- ly as a thongPillar that efiablifhes the ba- lis upon which 'tis fix'd : For one volun- tarily arid fiedfaftly believes that which is for his advantage and comfort.The ferious belief of the prepared Plagues for thole who are unfaithful to God,and their Souls heteafter, will make all the Evils threa- tened