8o Spiritual PerfeEtion. Let us try the fingular efficacy of Faith, by exercifin; of it upon eternal Objeas Let our Faith reprefent to us in as lively a manner , the eternal judgment , as Enoch lead a profpeE of it ; Behold the Lord comes with ten thoufàndof his Saints, to judge all the ungodly : Let Faith direa its view to him, rending the Heavens, and coming in his own Glory, as the Son of God, and its his Father's Glory, as corflituted by him to be judge of the World , and in the Glory of the mighty Angels, his Attendants : Let Faith con- - template the Judgeupon a white Throne, - the Emblem of his Holinefs, Whom none - can furprife or refift : Let Faith make -that day as prefent, when there will be -no place for Repentance ; when the - Fountain of Mercy to Sinners will be -Pealed for ever ; when the Books of Eternal Life and Death 1ha11 be opened, -and all Men shall receive an irrevocable -Judgment a judgment fo fearful, that -Sinners how great and terrible fo ever they were in this Worldsto others, Thal} -cd to the Mountains to fall on them, and the Hills to caver them, from the Wrath of -the Lamb : For his day is corne A. Judg- -ment fo ftri±, that the Righteous ¡ball fcarcely be faved. Now what impreffi- ons of tormenting Fear , or reviving Hopes , will the firong Belief of the Eternal