Bates - BT766 B3 1699

Spiritual Per f ec t ion . I S I Eternal Judgment, and the Confequences of it, make in us, when Heaven and Hell (hall divide all Men, according as- we are prepared or unprepared for the - Tryal of that deciding Day ? How will it make us circumfpea and cautious to - avoid Evil, aaive and ardent in doing Good ; for every thing mull be brought in Judment ? How ambitious and dili gent to be accepted of our judge ? 'Let Faith open a Window into Heaven, and reprefent the Saints in their Sun -like Frightnefs , their Glory and Joy, and triumphant Felicity in the Eternal King- dom, where God is all in all How will the believing view of this reE`lifie our Minds, and convince us that noting de- ferves our high Efreern and Love, but the Favour and Fruition of the bleffed God ? Let Faith open the fatal Gates of Hell, that are never Phut upon. the Dam- ned, and difcover the Scenes of Woe, - the Sights of' Horror , the tormenting - Pallìons of Reprobates , their defperate - Sorrow for the lofs of Heaven, and fierce - indignation that others enjoy it. ; both - which are implyed in their weeping, and. wailing, and gnafhing of Teeth. How powerful will this reprefentation be to - keep us in awe and order, to controle- the Lulls, and Licentioufnefs of Carnal Appetites ? How would this double Vi- N 3 Pion